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Embedded Applications And Drivers

The Site Is Still Under Construction...
But The Services Are Already Available!

Need an embedded application on a tight budget? Come talk to us!

We subcontract embedded software to college students through our Diamond Design Framework. We find students in need of your support, and pass the price reduction on to you! It's a win-win for industry and starving college students alike! The best part is: we will warranty our work! We have microcontroller experts on staff and on call to make sure that your application does everything that you want it to and more!

The services that we offer currently are:
- System Design
- Algorithm Development
- Software Module and Library Development
- Hardware and Software Prototyping
- Custom Low Level Drivers

Supported Platforms
ST Electronics
Texas Instruments
Many More!


All Designs and Software are warrantied as per individual agreement. Exodus Electronics has a microcontroller expert on staff able to come to your location for customer support, if need be. Examples are available upon request of prior work.

We take your project and hand it off to our staff Technical Applications Engineer. Our TAE will define managable subsets of the project and pass the pieces to qualified student programmers. Once all pieces are complete, our TAE will put the project together, debug and validate the application and then present you with your final project.

For more information, please contact:


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